Early Morning Cavalcade with Concerts at Rio Preto-SP Town.

Early Morning Cavalcade with Concerts at Rio Preto-SP Town.

A Grand Cavalcade along the back roads of the town of São José do Rio Preto, was carried out by the riders of the club, Rancho do Peão, and other delegations such as the riders of the Club, "Caipira Roceiro" and many others, as, for months now, people have been fans of country or equestrian events in our town, they were eagerly awaiting. The equestrian event was held this past Sunday, March 24th, and the starting point was at the entrance of the country restaurant "O Rancho do Cabeça", and in general coordination was the great Rodeo Judge Celina Souza. The attendees on horses included businessmen, lawyers, veterinarians and even police officers who love this type of festivities. After covering a distance of twenty kilometers, returning to the starting point where lunch was served to everyone present. At the concerts for the joy of the people were the traditionalist singers "Divino e Donizete" and the singer "May Alves". There were prizes and trophies for the equestrian clubs that competed in the modalities, imposed by the organizing committee. One of the personalities most excited about the beautiful event was Cowboy Jesus, who never misses an event of this type. Present at the event along with his son Dionisio de Dhandréa and his son, Singer Alessander Dhandréa, it was one of the most visited tables for photos with them, in view of the facts even the famous rodeo cowboy on horses, Sabará, was Dhandréa's table, for photos with them, also the businessman Andrei, other personalities and fans of Dionisio de Dhandréa. They represented the Net Program, "Buteco do Cowboy" and the International Magazine "Brazilian Rodeo Flashes". belonging to imperio productions.

